Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
"Current Progress and Future Direction of OT-HUB"
National University of Singapore, Singapore
"Cortical Haemodynamic Response Measured by Optical Topography During a Verbal Fluency Task in Patients With Major Depression and Borderline Personality Disorder"
Nanyang Technological University
"The Role of Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy in Movement Sciences Research: Progress so Far and What Else Needs to be Done?"
University of
Muhammadiyah Prof Dr HAMKA, Indonesia
"Epileptic Focus Determination by using fNIRS"
Hitachi Ltd., Japan
"Mental Health Monitoring System using Biomeasurements"
Hitachi Ltd. Japan
"Vision of Brain Science Research and Its Application in Hitachi"
Hitachi Ltd. Japan
"Analysis on the Dynamic of Neuro-physical Network Applicable to Human QOL Improvement"
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