Public transport analysis: Post COVID19 pandemics
31 MARCH -
1 APRIL 2022
9.00AM - 5.00PM
Public transport suffers a significant declination during COVID19 pandemics. Social distancing and travel restrictions affects partial or total closure of public transport services during the pandemics. There is a trend that people still stay with their private vehicles in this recovering period while public transport is one of elements in reaching sustainable transport and sustainable city should play an important role. In this sense, there is possibility that public transport service will shift from mass to semi-paratransit in facing new digital era, connected worlds and infrastructures, free mobility and flexible working hours and positive well-being and health.
Therefore, the following course will provide a possible direction and debate on future public transport service facing IR 4.0 and a long recovery pandemic. The course will significantly provide a broader picture what government, authorities and industry related with transport sectors should react within short, medium, and long terms. Further research extended opportunities in the future will be discussed for different types of public transport services and several methods will be delivered. There will be descriptions of potential academic research and industry-related research to face the future of a new public transport system.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Dr. Dimas Bayu Endrayana (UTP)
Dimas Bayu Endrayana (Dharmowijoyo), Ph.D is Senior Lecturer in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia. He has Ph.D in transport science from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. His research is in the intersection between urban and transport planning with focused in travel behaviour research. It ranges from transport geography, transport psychology, transport and health, and the use of new transport technology such as electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles. He has commitments to publish high-level research publications and deals with various statistical analysis.
2. Ts. Dr-Ing. Joewono Prasetijo (UTHM)
3. Associate Professor Dr.Eng. M. Zudhy Irawan (UGM)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Eng. M. Zudhy Irawan is Associate Professor in Universiti Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia. He has Ph.D in Transportation Engineering from Kyushy University, Japan. He is also Secretary of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UGM. His research is in travel behaviour and transport network modelling.
4. Dr. Harya Setyaka S. Dillon (MTI)
Harya Setyaka S. Dillon, Ph.D. is the Secretary General of the Indonesia Transport Society (or Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia/MTI). He earned his Doctorate in Urban Planning & Public Policy, with a dissertation on Travel Behavior and Transportation Planning from the University of California, Irvine, USA. He has carried out research and consultancy projects sponsored by international organizations such as the EU, the ADB, the World Bank, UNDP, and GIZ which promote a number of transport policy reforms in Indonesia such as sustainable urban mobility planning, e-mobility, public transport performance benchmarking and road preservation funds. His academic articles have appeared in Research in Transportation Economics, Housing Policy Debate, Journal of Planning Education and Research, and Strategic Review, the Indonesian Journal of Leadership, Policy, and World Affairs. He recently published his book chapter on mobility justice during the Covid-19 and contributed to the Routledge Handbook of Urban Indonesia (forthcoming in 2022). His Op-Eds have appeared in The Jakarta Post.
*fee quoted does not include SST, HRDF service fee, GST/VAT or withholding tax (if applicable).
Centre for Advanced & Professional Education (CAPE)
Level 16, Menara 2,
Menara Kembar Bank Rakyat,
50470, Jalan Travers,
Kuala Lumpur.
+605 - 368 7558 /
+605 - 368 8485