Digital Tools Project Management and HSE for Sustainable Completion of Oil and Gas and Construction Projects


Five (5) CPD Hours approved by MBOT




18 JANUARY 2024




9.00AM - 5.00PM



10% Discount for Early Bird (until 11 January 2024) /Group / Students



Engineering projects must be constructed physically realizable, economically affordable and environmental friendly. Hence, contractors and engineers must be concerned with the need to acquire knowledge and skill to ensure that the engineering projects will be constructed safely, economically, quality and within the time allocated. This course provides the knowledge for managing the construction of engineering projects successfully with the application of new technology.


Overview of the Construction Industry and the Project Development Process

  • The various sectors of the construction industry, industry performance and growth, parties involved and their roles, project development process, codes and regulations.

Contract Management

  • Project Implementation Methods, Tendering Procedures, Tender Evaluation, Definition of contract, types of contract, contract documents, plans and specifications, prime costs and provisional sums, conditions of contract, contract award, performance bonds and insurances, variation orders, extension of time, LAD, non-completion and completion, Defects Liability Period.

Basic principle of construction life cycle

  • Introduction to the concepts of construction life cycle and the general implementation in oil & gas industry 
  • Mapping of the construction life cycle as defined in the Construction Industry Institute (CII)
  • Introduction to samples of common deliverables during the project life cycle

Introduction to Construction Execution Planning

  • Introduction of the concept of Construction Execution Planning in managing the construction
  • Awareness on the usage of construction execution planning in managing the construction execution at worksite 
  • Important elements of construction execution planning and the success factor in project execution

Taking Off / Estimation

  • Taking off for concrete, earthworks, structural and miscellaneous steel

Project Planning and Scheduling

  • Resources for planning, work breakdown structures, activity duration, Gantt chart, time scale diagram, arrow diagram computation, precedence diagram computation, float, overlapping network

Resource Allocation

  • The management of resources, manual solution of resources allocation, manual solution of resources leveling.
  • Project Control
  • Effective scheduling, monitoring project status, progress control, updating of schedules, evaluating and forecasting, cost control, Earn-value, S-curve, Claims.

Site Organization and Management

  • On-site organization, mobilization, site office administration, storage of materials and equipment, coordination with suppliers and contractors; site meetings; site supervision, site productivity, environmental management system, demobilization

Health and Safety in Construction

Nature and types of accidents

  • Accident theories, safety and health issues on site; CIDB Act, OSH Act; main players of site safety; role of contractors; safety management techniques and tools.

Environmental Management System

  • Construction industry and the environment, Environmental Quality Act, Overview of Environmental Management System (EMS), EMS series of Standard (EMS/ISO14000), the 6 principles of EMS in construction

Industrialized Building System (IBS) Construction  

  • Definition of IBS, History of IBS, CIDB IBS Grouping, In-situ vs IBS, Advantages and Disadvantages, Buildability of IBS, Barriers for IBS, IBS Floors, IBS score

Introduction of digital tools in managing the construction project at worksite

  • Utilization of digital platform for work interface and permit to work (ePTW)
  • Digital handheld equipment used for material tracking and traceability management at big project
  • Utilization of digital form for safety management (UCUX) 
  • Managing the inspection and acceptance of work 
  • Utilization of digital software in completion management to smoothen the handover of project


Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the contractual aspects and the involvement of various parties in the infrastructure, oil and gas, and construction projects.
  • Understand the basic principle of construction life cycle and the important elements of construction deliverables at every stages
  • Construction Execution Planning, the key importance and planning
  • Apply the principles of planning, scheduling, cost estimation and control in the infrastructure and construction project.
  • Examine aspects of site organization and management, site supervision, safety and environmental management.
  • Evaluate the application of Industrialized Building System (IBS) and management tools in the infrastructure and construction projects.
  • Introduces to digital tools in managing the project at worksite such as digital permit to work, material management and project completion management


  • All parties involved in infrastructures, oil and gas, building and construction projects.


1. Ir Dr Idris Bin Othman  (UTP)

He is a Senior Lecturer of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. He used to be professional Engineer of Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), Corporate Member of Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) and Life Corporate Member of Concrete Society of Malaysia. He obtained his PhD (2016) from Unversiti Teknologi PETRONAS, MSc in Construction Project Management from University of Science Malaysia (2006) and the B.Eng in Civil Engineering from Universiti Teknologi MARA. He has 26 years working experienced including the area of oil & gas, high rise 65 storey tower, treatment plants, infrastructures, bridges, highways, construction, maintenance & facilities management.

Research interest; 

  • Construction Management
  • Building and Construction Technology
  • Building, Maintenance, Concrete Technology
  • Project Management

2. Ir. Abd. Rahim B. Bahruddin (PETRONAS PD&T)

Over thirty (30) years of enriching experiences in oil and gas industries including more than 8 years international experience in Joint-Ventures company. Having hands-on experience in Project Management, Mechanical Engineering and EPCC projects ranging from design, contracting, procurement, onshore fabrication, offshore fabrication, retrofit & upgrade, hookup & commissioning and start-up of facilities.

Extensive experience in onshore construction of onshore / offshore plant. Had served as Project Team Leader for Surface Facilities Project for a cumulative of five and half years for GNPOC and Sabah Gas Onshore Gas Terminal Projects. As well as completed two and half years’ task as Company Site Representative for Booster Compression Platform project in Thailand and Myanmar. Worked as Project Manager in Ketapang Oil and Gas Field Development Project, Indonesia. 

Developed know-how in planning and execution of EPCC works including construction in life plant area, shutdown and tie-in works onshore and offshore new facilities.

Having opportunities working in various types of projects with people from diverse culture and knowledge (Canadian, Indian, Chinese, Sudanese, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Turkmenistan, Iraq etc) have prepared me to achieve all standards and expectations to meet the results as required.






*fee quoted does not include SST, HRDF service fee, GST/VAT or withholding tax (if applicable).



*fee quoted does not include SST, HRDF service fee, GST/VAT or withholding tax (if applicable).


Centre for Advanced & Professional Education (CAPE)

 Level 16, Menara 2, Menara Kembar Bank Rakyat, 50470, Jalan Travers, Kuala Lumpur.


+605 - 368 7558 /

+605 - 368 8485