Coastal Reclaimation: Environmental Challlenges, Issues and Technologies
12 - 13 jUNE 2025
9.00AM - 1.00PM
10% Discount for Early Bird (until 12 May 2025) / Group / Students
Coastal environments are complex regions which are diverse in function and form. They are constantly subjected to environmental pressure due to human interventions and exploitation as well as climate change impacts. A good level of coastal engineering knowledge is required to contribute to resolving the various conflicting interests between the coastal environment and human use of the coastal environment. This short course outlines the fundamental principles of coastal engineering and the governing rules in assessing the coastal environments. The course gives an overview of several topics including wave theory, wave transformation, tides, nearshore currents, sediment transport, coastal morphology, coastal protection and management, as well as assessment methods and tools. This short course is ended with two detailed case studies of real-life coastal engineering projects – Seri Tanjung Pinang 2 reclamation works and Kuala Besut Rivermouth improvement works.
Topic 1: Introduction to the Coastal Environment
Topic 2: Waves
Topic 3: Tides
Topic 4: Nearshore Currents
Topic 5: Sediment Transports
Topic 6: Shore protection measures & management
Topic 7: Assessment of Coastal Environments
Topic 8: Principles of Hydraulic Study
Topic 9: Case study
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Ts. Dr. Teh Hee Min (UTP)
Ts. Dr. Teh Hee Min is a multifaceted, self-driven and highly motivated academician with over 18 years of experience in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. He owned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a master’s degree in coastal and maritime engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, and a PhD from the University of Edinburgh. His main research interests are hydrodynamics of coastal structures, wave and storm surge modelling, renewable wave energy and physical modeling. Dr. Teh secured 13 international, national and internal research grants amounting to a total of about RM1.3 million. He owns an IP of a floating breakwater design that won him several international awards. He published more than 60 journals and conference articles. He is also the reviewers of a number of international journals and research proposals. He is the IMarEST Chartered Engineer since 2013.
2. ir. Ts. Nik Abdullah Muaz
*fee quoted does not include SST, GST, HRDF service fee / VAT or withholding tax (if applicable).
*fee quoted does not include SST, GST, HRDF service fee / VAT or withholding tax (if applicable).
Centre for Advanced & Professional Education (CAPE)
Level 8, Permata Sapura, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur
+605 - 368 7558 /
+605 - 368 8485