All you need to know about Deep Neural Networks for Decision Makers and Technical Support
24 - 26 APRIL 2024
9.00AM - 1.00PM
10% Discount for Early Bird (until 24 March 2024) / Group / Students
The course prepares participants to understand the key principles and trends in deep neural network artificial intelligence technology from an intuitive and approachable perspective. The course material will guide participants in practical ways to reason and interpret deep neural network AI performance and the challenges surrounding intellectual property, security and technological continuity. The course also provides insights that can assist participants to develop processes, infrastructure and best practices to support deep neural network technology development as well as to develop business models and strategies for deep neural network AI-enabled products.
This course addresses the critical need in Malaysian industries to develop a cohort of competent technical professionals for marketing and support roles as a competitive advantage to win-over new customers in the global market for AI-enabled products. Such customer-facing roles are critical for business success but the technical gaps in their training are often overlooked especially in high-technology areas like AI due to overemphasis on technical training for the product development/ R&D team. The goal is to develop customer-serving technical professionals that can converse intelligently about the features, performance and prospects of deep neural network AI and respond impressively to customer demands for technical clarification or requests for features.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Dr Eric Ho Tatt Wei (UTP)
Dr Eric Ho Tatt Wei received his MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in Silicon Valley, USA specializing in computer hardware and VLSI systems, As part of his PhD research, he developed real-time systems for fruit flies for biological research to conduct automated inspection and guide robotic manipulation. He is currently pursuing applications of deep neural network technology to network analysis on MRI brain images.
*fee quoted does not include SST, GST, HRDF service fee / VAT or withholding tax (if applicable).
*fee quoted does not include SST, GST, HRDF service fee / VAT or withholding tax (if applicable).
Centre for Advanced & Professional Education (CAPE)
Level 8, Permata Sapura, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur
+605 - 368 7558 /
+605 - 368 8485